2008年8月7日 星期四

Exam DaY and RaiNy dAy!!!

Today, is the BIG DAY.....

the Final Day of our MID-Term Test!!!

(心裏話:for god sake.....finals is only 4 weeks to go...... @.@!!)

So, how was the webpage midterm???

If you ask me, i will say........OK la.......

The things that come out is still consider moderate and i can write something~~

Mr. Edwin~~ please 手下留情~~~


Later after class, we were dismiss early

so, we decided to go to Wendy's to have lunch~~~

This is the first time i went to Wendy's~~~~

Quite nice environment and nice burgersss

I ordered a middle set Shrimp burger~~~

quite nice~~( althought my dad say i am stupid to order a shrimp one, i should have order their beef burgers~)

A little bit of chit chat and we went back home~~~


Later in the evening, actually i intend to go and buy something and 順便 wash my car~~

but then!!!!!

Something happen!!!!

Something which i haven seen for the past few weeks!!!

Thunder!!! Lighting!!! then RAIN!!!!!


Dear Mr. Rain!!! i have been hoping to see you~~~~~

for the past few weeks, the weather have been freaking hot,

sitting in my AIR-CON room, which is facing the west

I think i am in a oven instead of a refrigerator.....

today is the 1st day in this few weeks that where i can feel the coldness of the air~~~

when i sleep, i wont be dripping with sweat after i wake up~~~

Thank God~~~~


some pictures i went out and took during the rain~~~

this one, after i finish taking it, lighting and thunder strike and my house jump fius.....

Rain~~Rain~~~ Come again~~ Hope to see you again~~Tomorrow~~

Rain~~~ how i love you~~~
( ps: not the korean RAIN.......)